What is an NGO? | Types of NGOs | Top NGOs (CRY, Action Aid, HelpAge India, CARE India, Sightsavers, GOONJ, LEPRA India)
What is an NGO? The full form of NGO is Non-Governmental Organization. It is an organization which can be at local, national, and international level. World NGO Day is observed annually on 27 February. Types of NGOs:- Local, National & International Level NGOs A Local Level NGO works in districts, tehsil, etc. Examples are Kamakhya Lok Sewa Samiti, God Gives Everything, Masum Zindagi, Khusi Foundation, etc. A National Level NGO works in a particular nation such as Child Rights and You (CRY) . It was started in 1979 by Rippan Kapoor. It deals with many social issues like Child Labour, Malnutrition, Poverty, Education and Illiteracy, Child Marriage, Child Trafficking, Gender Inequality. Following are the top 10 National NGOs actively working in India: 1. Sightsavers 2. Child Rights and You (CRY) 3. Give Foundatio...