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Stones Formation in Kidneys & treatment of kidney stones | Kidney Stones

  The biggest kidney stone on record weighed more than a kilogram and was 17 centimeters in diameter. The patient didn't actually swallow a stone the size of a coconut. Kidney stones form inside the body, but unfortunately, they're extremely painful to get out.   Stones Formation in Kidneys- A kidney stone is a hard mass of crystals that can form in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra . Urine contains compounds that consist of calcium, sodium, potassium, oxalate, uric acid, and phosphate . If the levels of these particles get too high, or if urine becomes too acidic or basic, the particles can clump together and crystallize. Unless the problem is addressed, the crystals will gradually grow over a few weeks, months, or even years, forming a detectable stone. Calcium oxalate is the most common type of crystal to form this way, and accounts for about 80% of kidney stones . Less common kidney stones are made of calcium phosphate , or uric acid . A slightly different ...

Why do some people get Bald? | Why Hair fall occurs | Why mostly men suffer Baldness

  What do Charles Darwin, Michael Jordan, and Yoda have in common? They, like many other historical and fictive individuals, are bald , in some cases by their own choice.   For centuries, a shining dome has been a symbol of intelligence, but despite this, many balding people still wish their hair would return. Scientists have long pondered,  "Why do some people lose their hair, and how can we bring it back?" Science behind Baldness- The full-headed among us have about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on our scalps, and scientists have discovered two things about this dense thicket. Firstly , the sprouting hair we see is mostly made up of keratin , the protein leftover from dead cells that are forced upwards as new cells grow beneath them. Secondly , the structures that drive hair growth are called hair follicles , a network of complex organs that forms before we're born, and grows hair in an everlasting cycle. This cycle has three main phases. The first is anagen , ...

What happens during Heart Attack | Symptoms Precautions | Heart attack

  Approximately 7 million people around the world die from heart attacks every year, and cardiovascular disease, which causes heart attacks and other problems like strokes, is the world's leading killer.   So what causes a heart attack? Source: Internet Like all muscles, the heart needs oxygen, and during a heart attack, it can't get enough. Fatty deposits, or plaques , develop on the walls of our coronary arteries. Those are the vessels that supply oxygenated blood to the heart. These plaques grow as we age, sometimes getting chunky, hardened, or enflamed. Eventually, the plaques can turn into blockages. If one of the plaques ruptures or cracks, a blood clot will form around it in minutes, and a partially closed artery can become completely blocked. Blood flow is cut off to the cardiac muscle and the oxygen-starved cells start to die within several minutes. This is a myocardial infarction , or heart attack .   Things can rapidly deteriorate in the absence of ...

Laika | Fact Of The Day | First animal to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth | TCS - The CBSE Solver

 Fact Of The Day The first animal to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth was the dog Laika, aboard the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 on 3 November 1957. Laika, was found as a stray wandering the streets of Moscow. Soviet scientists assumed that such animals had already learned to endure conditions of extreme cold and hunger . In 2008, nearly 50 years after the historic flight, a monument to Laika was finally installed outside Star City, a military facility in Russia where she was trained for her trip. The statue resembles a rocket that merges into a hand, launching Laika into space. 

Computer Related Full Forms | TCS - The CBSE Solver

  Computer Related Full Forms In this computer world, most of the people are using internet and Computer. Sometimes its comes to in your mind what are the full forms related to computer terms like  PC, OS, UPS  etc.     Sr. No. Short Name Full Form 1 COMPUTER Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Technical And Educational Research 2 3G  3Rd Generation 3 3GP  3Rd Generation Project 4 3GPP  3Rd Generation Partnership Project 5 AAC  Advanced Audio Coding 6 ACPI  Advanced Configuration And Power Interface 7 ALT  Alternate 8 AM/FM  Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation 9 AMR  Adaptive Multi-Rate 10 A...